Thursday, September 23, 2010

Because There is NOTHING else better to do.

1. Do you have any scars?

2. Whats your favorite thing on your wall in your room?
I don't really have anything on my walls.. except paint.

3. Do you snore or talk in your sleep?
I combination, I believe.

4. Favorite music?
Um, pretty much a whole bunch of stuff.

5. What time were you born?
In the A.M.

6. One thing you really, really want right now?
sleep. and her.

7. What/who do you miss?
I miss a lot of things.

8. Most prized possessions?
my iPod

9. How tall are you?

9. Clausterphobic?
not too bad.

11. Scared of the dark?
Sort of..

12. Last person who made you cry?
no clue

13. Worst fear?
I'm scared of a lot.

14. Hair/Eye color on opp. sex?
It doesn't really matter to me.

15. Describe your perfect proposal:
WELL. A simple "Will you marry me?" would do.

16. Coffee or Monster?
Coffee. For sure.

17. Favorite pizza topping?
Just cheese.

18. Favorite food hands down?
tacos. and anything with alfredo.

19. Favorite color of all time?

20. Goldfish or Cheez-its?
goldfish. they smile while I eat them!

21. What was the first meaningful gift you've ever recieved?
I don't remember? My guitar, maybe?

22. Do you have a crush?
yeah, brah.

23. Double-jointed?

24. Favorite clothing brand?
Meh. it changes.

30. Favorite number ever?
8, I guess?

31. Blondes or brunettes?
either, or.. I'm not that picky

32. Favorite quote?
I'm not sure?

33. Favorite place to be?
my bed room.

34. Favorite state?
Anywhere but SD.

35. Your weakness?
Brown eyes and crying girls.

36. Meet anyone famous?
mm.. I s'pose.

37. Career of choice?
It's a toss-up

38. Ever done a prank call?
oh yes.

39. Do you belive in luck?
I guess so.. karma, more so.

40. What were you doing before you started filling this out?

41. Ever had surgery? On what & why?
Nope. nope.

42. What do you get compliments about most?
my eye balls. and my hair.

43. Ever had braces?
no. I wish i did. :(

44. What do you want for your birthday?
a car, a laptop, or a camera.

45. How many kids do you want? And what will their names be?
Not sure. but if I ever have one, I want it to be a girl and I will name her Alice Jean.

46. Were you named after anyone?
the Daytona 500 if that counts.. my middle name is Jean and that's from my grandma.

47. Biggest turn off of the opposite sex?

48. One thing you like about high school?
how cheap it is.

49. What kind of shampoo do you use?
head and shoulders.

50. Do you like your handwriting?
sometimes. it changes.

51. Favorite lunch meat?
honey ham, i guess.

52. Bad habits?
smoking and spending money.

53. Are you a jealous person?
unfortunately, yes. :/

54. Do you find yourself attractive?

55. Do you agree with friends w/ benefits?
yep :)

56. Do looks matter?
not particularly? I go for the personality, for sure. looks are just a plus.

57. How do you release anger?
uhhm.. yell? hit things?

58. Would you rather gain 10 lbs. or lose 10 lbs.?
lose!! lose!!

60. Favorite toy as a child?
dragon ball z action figures.. and beanie babies.

61. How many contacts are in your cell phone?
a lot.. i don't know.

62. Were you a fan of Barney as a little kid?

63. Do you use sarcasm?
too much.

64. How do you like your eggs?
over easy.

65. Best quality about your boyfriend?
oh. a beard.

66. What are your nicknames?

67. Favorite super power?
mind control. love me!

68. Favorite t.v show?
Law and Order: SVU

69. Best way to deal with your enemies?

70. Favorite ice cream flavor?
birthday cake! and cherry nut.

71. Favorite rapper?

72. Laptop or PC?
I prefer a laptop. but a PC will have to do until I can afford one.

73. Plans for tonight?
shower. sleep.

74. Where do you wanna live when you grow up?

75. Favorite person on Facebook?
That's a tough question!

76. What are you listening to?
some lame ass tv show.

77. Last thing you drank?
Lemonade :)

78. Last person you talked to on the phone?

79. The first thing you notice in the opposite sex?

80. What do you do in your spare time?
um. sleep. yeah.

81. Name 3 people you really can't stand somedays:
that's mean..

82. Favorite season of the year?

83. Favorite type of candy?
snickers :)

84. Name 5 true best friends of yours:
Um.. Katie, Grace, Molly, Adam, that is all.

85. Name the 5 most trustworthy guys in your life:
Dad, Devan, Adam, Uncle Chris and Uncle Eric.

86. Name 2 very annoying girls:

87. Shoe size?

88. Favorite fast food?
ick.... taco bell.

89. Favorite restaurant?

90. Do you like sushi?
I'm not sure..

91. Watch t.v today?
yeah, a little.

92. Favorite day of the year?
11/25 :)

93. Play any musical instruments?
guitar, french horn.

94. Republican or Democrat?

95. X's or O's?

96. Relationships or one night stands?
Um. either.

97. Last thing you bought?
scoops chips for rae.. ha

98. Favorite song at the moment?

99. Any regrets?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Everywhere I look

I'll see for a minute.
an hour
a day
a week
a month
a year
a decade
a century?
I see you everywhere.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Still Torn Up

You're a monster. I can die, now. This has never happened, but that doesn't much matter anymore because you're a monster. So go destroy cities of rib cages without me. All I can do is focus on my shipwrecks and sink with them.